Boston Tax Record?
When there is a business name instead of a persons name, do I just skip over that entry?
What about when it looks like 2 surnames as a business such as Earle & Prew or Estabrook & Shibley: do I record that as 2 entries with only surnames (given names blank)?
What about when it is a business name that includes a name like Exeter Machine Works, Eastabrook Rufus & Co, and Eaton Cumings & Co.?
thanks for your help
It is always best to share your batch to get the most accurate answer. But, in looking at the Project Instructions under What to Remember About This Project, I found:
- Index all names except those listed in the "Owner" or "Remarks" columns, or names of companies or trusts. Often, names of owners appear on the right side of the image; these names should not be indexed. If the only names on an image appear in an "Owner" column, please index the names in this column.
From that, I don't think you would index names that you know to be companies.
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