Search interface/results ruined
I see other people are posting their concerns. I actually wanted to report this as a problem but that eluded me, as if that interface has changed as well.
I am a software developer and I'm passionate about UX.
The search interface here was main strength of familysearch and as it is now, I find more readable. In the past I didn't like that interface, ancestry's, but now that it is better than familysearch I go there for general searches.
My friends in genealogy are calling me and asking how they get the old interface back. They can't use it.
One of the biggest problems now is how the results are listed, the spacing and the color. It is very difficult on the eyes. It's not compact enough now and the blue text is not easy to read. I used to read through 100s and sometimes 1000s of results at a time. That doesn't seem possible now.
Also, clicking on the results is more problematic. Choices are far away and at extremes from each other (view record and attach to family) and often off the screen.
The new interface is so clunky now. For example, you have to scroll all the way to the bottom (now also far right) to select exact match, scroll all the way back to the top to select the choice, but sometimes it doesn't line up with the element so you have to stop and figure out which to select. The old way was so much better. Just check the box, done.
All of the filter choices are so difficult to navigate. I can find them, they should be aligned better. And I shouldn't have to expand them.
Please don't fix something that isn't broken. The previous interface was very very good! In fact excellent! Not only the interface but the resulting data display, the results. This is the best way to relate my problem, as I could go on and on about what's wrong now but the answer is, compare it to what there was before.
The people who made this site were amazing but it doesn't seem as if the crew is the same any more. This was one of my favorite pieces of engineering but I can't say that now.
I am passionate about genealogy and also grateful for what familysearch provides and I don't want to see it degrade and get more and more broken.
I agree absolutely. I sometimes wonder if the software developers have ever put themselves as a user. I found this situation the same in my career too. I find Ancestry and Find my Past much more user friendly.
Has there been any response to your feelings?
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@_bpb_ ( and, @Robert1945 )
Welcome to the "Comminity.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
You are not alone ...
And, just in case you, were not aware ...
Here are some FOUR (x4) posts, in date (and, post) order of being posted, from someone, stating, to be part of the 'FamilySearch' Team that, 'Designed'; and, 'Developed", the the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", which appears, in some of the posts, to give some "Instruction", on HOW to use the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records".
"Ideas" (ie. 'Feedback) Section
15 July 2021
[ 1 ] Discussion 90536
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
Hello FamilySearch Community! Try out the new update to Record Search.
29 September 2021
[ 2 ] Discussion 103619
'Category' = General User Interface
Home > Ideas > General User Interface
FamilySearch's Updates to the Search Page
[ 3 ] Discussion 103620
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
FamilySearch Employee Responding to Search Page Feedback
[ 4 ] Discussion 103621
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
FamilySearch Employee Responding to Search Page Feedback
I hope, that some of the information in these posts, may offer some help/assistance.
And ...
There are OTHER posts throughout this Forum, where the instigator of the above posts has responded with, advice; direction; instruction; help/assistance, on the NEW "Results" page/screen, of "Records Search" ('FamilySearch').
Now ...
That Said ...
You may like to ADD, your thoughts/comments, in those particular posts; so that, your thoughts/comments, like those of MANY other UNHAPPY Users/Patrons, ARE 'seen', by the Team, in 'FamilySearch', that 'Designed'; and, 'Developed" the NEW look "Search".
As you can 'see' from those posts ...
DESPITE, all the NEGATIVE 'Feedback', with regard to the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", from those that matter, the 'lowly' User/Patrons, where the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", was 'foisted' upon them; BEFORE, being "Fully" released to ALL User/Patrons - 'FamilySearch' RELEASED the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", to ALL Users/Patrons.
As I already suggested ...
You are not alone ...
We are ALL "Struggling"; and, NEED "Help", with the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", which is NOT very 'User Friendly'.
MOST Users/Patrons want the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records" to be "Reverted" BACK to the PREVIOUS "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records".
But ...
That Said ...
SADLY, I doubt that will happen ...
I know that this DOES NOT help/assist; but, I hope that this gives you some. insight; and, perspective.