Is there a way to remove content on the discovery page?

I have an extremely contested line. A man by the name of Franklin Bearce made up Native connections in his genealogy stating that Native Princesses had affairs with religious Puritan males, in good standing with the church and community. It all starts with a man by the name of August Bearce who Franklin claims was a Gypsy in the Puritan faith who married a Native. The story gets worse and worse through about 5 generations. People keep promulgating the story, FamilySearch won't lock these and lo and behold, the discovery page lists Augustine's supposed marriage to a Native. Augustine Bearce (1618–Deceased) • FamilySearch for low skilled genealogists, they buy into this story that has been disproven over and over again, adding it to trees and believing the lies: hook, line and sinker. This myth needs to die, and FamilySearch really needs to remove it from the discovery page. I am an advanced user and help people all of the time on FamilySearch personally and professionally. I wish there was a way to make it more editable.
I'm just an ordinary user, but I have had similar problems, although tiny compared to the one you describe.
Firstly, I sympathise. It can be extremely frustrating. What I do when I discover obviously wrong information or attachments, is to try to involve the person who performed the action in making the correction, usually by sending a message. In the case you outline I can see that this would be an almost impossible task due to the continuing uptake of the wrong story. Perhaps the best you can hope to achieve is by using another method, simply add statements to the Life Sketch of those person records whose life histories have been so badly corrupted. Using all capitals for emphasis might get your point across. If you can cite the sources for the correct data (even just as references or book titles) it will help stem the flow of misinformation.
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@ AJ Young
I am including links to the articles that will explain the Discovery Page in more detail. The purpose of discovery pages is to provide a simpler view of the person page in Family Tree. It makes information easier to see, The discovery page also presents the information in an interesting and engaging way to make it more relevant for new users of FamilySearch.
The discovery pages are accessible through search engines, which allows people unfamiliar with FamilySearch to potentially find their ancestors.
You need to have an account with FamilySearch, if you don't already have an account you will need to create a free account on FamilySearch
To update the discovery page, you need to update the person's information in Family Tree. Please be aware that it can take some time for the discovery pages to be refreshed after you correct the information in Family Tree. The link to the entire help article is listed directly below. It also includes links to additional information you might find helpful. You have a great day.
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there is no indication of where or who contributed the wrong information on discover page how can they be found?
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The information (referenced thread:
is coming from Residence under Details: Other Information - "Grant"
This needs to be edited to Grant, Jefferson, Idaho - and the corresponding Standardized Location should resolve the issue.
It may take a month or more for the Discovery Page to update.