How do I remove an entry that makes no sense?

I have two ancestors named Benedict Mueller and Maria, both apparently born in 1799. And yet they have a son, John, born in 1812?
First of all, John is not a German name in 1812.
Secondly, both the father and wife were 13 years old when he was born? Huh?
This entry should be deleted. It's bogus. How do I delete this entry?
In your screenshot, use the edit link (the pencil and paper icon). On the pop-up click the "–" to the right of his name to detach him from this family. He certainly does not belong. Benedict and Maria are Swiss and John Mueller was born in Germany.
However, notice all the different birth dates for him? His page has attached records of several different men.
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To remove John Mueller LVND-XQ8 and Balthasar Mueller LDHQ-KJ5 who were both born in Germany from parents who were born in about 1799 in Switzerland, click the Edit pencil to the right of their child boxes. In the flyout, go to the third box for each child and use the Remove or Replace link to delete the current parent-child relationship. Instructions about working with parent-child relationships is available in the FamilySearch Help Center. Please use the link below to access the appropriate knowledge article which provides step-by-step instructions.
If you should decide later that these are the correct parents, the Latest Changes will allow you to restore the relationship.
Since there are no sources to validate the vital information for the parents, we wish you success as you continue to research information about this family.
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Thanks for the help. But....I want to delete Benedict and Maria Mueller and their children from my family tree. All of them. How do I do that?
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I want to delete Benedict and Maria Mueller and their children from my family tree. All of them. How do I do that?
See my previous reply. Simply detach John Mueller from the parents he is attached to now.
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There is no option to delete "John Mueller".....
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You are looking at his Couple relationship, where you can only detach his wife from him.
Instead, look at the Parents and Siblings relationship; there you can detach him from his parents.
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Okay. Thanks for your help. I'll try what you suggest.
However, I find this process disturbing. You need a Master's Degree in Genealogy to just remove an absurd entry on your family tree.
Thanks again. However, I somehow think that these "Muellers" are going to remain on my family tree for another 209 years. (LOL).
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James Tanner has a lot of video tutorials on YouTube showing how to use the FT website.
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Separating these children from their ‘parents’ will result in them being separated from each other as well. They may very well not belong to these parents but if none of the four of them belong in your family this is not going to solve your problem.
Whichever of the four of them is connected (wrongly) to your family, will still be connected (wrongly) to your family. That is the relationship that you need to find and sever.
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Many suggestions and comments have been provided for you through this discussion. The bottom line is that if you go to the last correct person in your pedigree, and remove them from any parents they are connected to, you should be able to resolve the problem with your pedigree. It is parent-child relationships that cause you to either lose part of an ancestral line, or be connected to the wrong ancestors. You did not provide us with the last correct person in your pedigree, so it has been difficult to provide exact instructions.
We apologize if it has been uncomfortable trying to correct this problem. We do understand that genealogy software can be daunting at times, but that is why the FamilySearch Help Center contains knowledge articles that can provide step-by-step instructions. I will be sending you a personal message with some additional suggestions that I hope will be helpful.