partial batch indexing gone

I started indexing a batch 2 days ago. I waited until what I had done had been saved and then I closed it. When I opened the batch tonight, all my previous indexing is gone. It puts me back at the first of the batch.
Is there any way to recover what I did? How do I not run into this problem in the future?
Best Answer
What you describe is not normal behavior of Web Indexing. The web app periodically saves your indexing as you go along - to avoid the situation you are describing. I do not know what could have caused the issue as you describe. There is a situation where a batch 'expires' due to time constraints of the Project - but this would mean you could not open the batch - it would be removed from your view - you would not be able to open it. If you still have the batch - maybe share the batch code (Help menu> Share Batch will display the code). Otherwise maybe a moderator can have a Familysearch team look at the last batch you did - to see if there are abnormalities.
Thank you. How would I contact a moderator? I'm new to this community. This is a link to the batch I was working on. The batch code is MSYC-WC1.
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There should be moderators able to view the batch here - They may pick up the question tomorrow. I did look at the batch but could not see any indexed information - as you indicated it is back to the beginning of the batch - very strange. I am curious in your original question - you said "I waited until what I had done was saved and then I closed it." How did you see that it was 'saved'? Normally in my experience I may see a 'slight blink' or refresh on the screen to indicate some activity is occurring but other than that the indexed text stays in the Entry fields and I move to the next Entry. If I return to Web Indexing (home screen) and then reopen the batch it shows the indexing progress I made. I am also curious if perhaps you might have a browser default setting to 'purge cache/cookies' - maybe that could have had an effect (I don't know).
Hopefully if you do a little bit of the index and close it and then reopen - you should still see the progress made. That's about the only step I can think of at this point.
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@genthusiast . Just to the right of the Step 2: Entries dropdown menu is a box where the “Last Saved” time appears.
@TerryCarlson . From the Shared Batch it looks like you’ve only indexed two Entries on the first image. Approximately how far had you progressed when you backed out of the batch? When you reopened did it start you from scratch, as if you were first opening the batch with no Entries completed? Or did it just forget some of your progress? This information might help the Moderators and FS Support understand and resolve the problem.
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Hi Terry! I'm not a moderator, but, I've done a lot of indexing. The project is pre-set to 4 entries per image. On the first image I can see you have indexed the same record on Entry 1 and Entry 2. You only would index the record once for Guillaume Joseph and Marie Theresse. So you need to delete Entry 2. Use the right pointing arrow where is says Entry 1 of 4 and click on it to get to Entry 2. Once there, click on the trash can icon (in the middle of the tool bar), select "current entry", and delete. Since there is nothing else to index on this image, click the trash can again, select "all blank entries", and delete. You must always delete unused entries to get batches to submit.
Move on to the next image. On Image 2 you began your indexing on Entry 3 of 4. Since there are several entries on this image, you will need to enter the information for Theodore Berode's marriage on Entry 1, then the information for Jean Louis on Entry 2 and so on. If you need to add entries, you use the + icon next to the trash can to do this.
Sometimes an entry will begin at the bottom of a page and continue to the next page. For this situation, you will want to open the reference images by clicking on the bottom icon in the vertical toolbar. The screen splits and you will be able to see the next page of the book and use the information if needed to finish the last entry on the image.
I hope this helps. If you are new to web-indexing, I highly recommend looking at the Indexing Overview page, and taking the Guided Tour. I also recommend this excellent video with Jason Pierson Indexing Discussion (Jason Pierson Live) . The actual lesson on indexing begins at about the 8 minute mark.
Happy Indexing!
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I had asked about the duplicate entries earlier but had been told they weren't duplicate because they have different dates. Myself, I think it is confusing to have 2 marriage entries, one right after the other, but different dates. The first is more of an intention to marry while the second is the actual marriage. The project instructions said to enter intention to marry entries as marriages. I'm not sure they anticipated them following one another. Since I didn't get an answer to this, I went ahead and indexed both. I think I should delete entry 1 if I delete either or I should change entry 1 to reflect the correct marriage date. What do you think?
Additionally I didn't delete blank entries so maybe that is why not everything was saved. I will go back and do that.
I did read the project and general instructions. I didn't know about Jason Pierson's discussion. Thank you for pointing me that way.
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I would guess if the marriage intention and actual marriage record are one right after the other - for the same couple - it might only need to be indexed once. I would probably at least index the actual marriage record.
Yes if there are no Entries for some images then I would think that would mean 'no, no extractable data' would be selected?
I can't be more specific on this batch - since I don't read French/Belgian - but the Project Instructions should indicate whether images that have no Entries should be marked 'no extractable data'.
I hope this helps and is not 'clear as mud'.
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I also think you would only create one entry with the marriage date. The instruction about marriage intentions is confusing though. On US records, we have a priority list so when the marriage date isn't available, we use the license date, the registration date, etc. But, we don't create a record for the marriage license (intention, bann, etc.) and another for the marriage. I don't think French records would be any different. The goal is to create a searchable index to get the researcher to the image. But, I will tag @Dellory Matthews who is a moderator and might be able to help with this foreign language project.
Deleting the blank entries would have no effect on your work not being saved, it only means that your work would not be able to be submitted. They try to provide enough pre-set entries so people will understand that they have to index every record on an image. In the beginning of web indexing, folks were getting confused and only indexing 1 record when there might be 30 names. It was thought that adding the pre-set entries would solve that problem and I think it did, but also created other problems.
I took 3 years of French, like 100 years I am about worthless. But, on image 3, it looks like you are going to create records for Walgraffe, Marchal, and John Henry. I believe that Image 4 is a continuation of the record of John Henry so it would be marked No, No Extractable Data in Step 1: Images. To get back there, click on the blue box and toggle from Step 2 back to Step 1.