how to open the records from GRANITE MOUNTAIN RECORD VAULT bloqued in the familysearch
I´m trying to find my great-grandfather death record, his name is Franco Sbroglia. He died between 1909 and 1922. I just found the following files in the familysearch but they are bloqued. It seems that they are in the Granite Mountain Record Vault. Does anyone knows how to find these records?
Rifaina, São Paulo – Brazil – deaths 1907 a 1932 – microfilm 1532636 – Item 6-11 – DGS 8157866;
São Joaquim da Barra, São Paulo – Brazil – deaths 1903 a 1923 – microfilm 1444461 – item 6-10 – DGS 8156801;
Sales Oliveira, São Paulo – Brazil – deaths 1907 a 1911 – microfilm 1444483 – item 10 – DGS 8157532;
Sales Oliveira, São Paulo – Brazil – deaths 1911 a 1932 – microfilme 1532264 – item 1-5 – DGS 8157540;
Igarapava, São Paulo – Brazil – deaths 1908 a 1925 – microfilm 1532469 – DGS 8158129.
Thanks for any help
Best Answer
According to the message that is shown when you click on the camera-with-key icon on the first film that you posted, you can (theoretically) see the images online if you access them from an FHC or an affiliate library.
Finding an open FHC or affiliate library is likely to be difficult, unfortunately.
I will try to find a FHC or an affiliate library
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Further to; and, on top of, what has already been proffered ...
In relation to All those Records, in 'FamilySearch', that you reference ...
The "Images" ARE available, WITH "Restrictions", 'On-Line' in 'FamilySearch', through:
... Images Available
... To view these images do one of the following:
... Access the site at a family history center.
... Access the site at a FamilySearch affiliate library.
As indicated by the "Key" Icon, above the "Camera" Icon, in the "Format" Column.
Whereas, the "Indexes" ARE NOT available 'On-Line' in 'FamilySearch'.
Due to the absence of a "Magnifying Glass" Icon, to the 'left' of the "Camera" Icon, in the "Format" Column.
As such ...
The reasons for "Restrictions" for, "indexes"; and, "Images", in 'FamilySearch' are somewhat explained in the following "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
Why do some indexes have access limitations?
Why are there access limitations on Historical Records?
What are the image restrictions in Historical Records?
I know that this does hot help; but, I hope this gives you some perspective.
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Just in case ...
IF, you cannot find either, a "Family History Centre" of the Church; and/or, an "Affiliate Library", near you; THEN, ...
Can I humbly suggest that you try the FREE "Look-Up" Service provided by the "Family History Library" (FHL) of the Church, in "Temple Square", in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Here is a 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Article:
New Library Lookup Service—For When You Can’t Visit the Family History Library
Here is "Family History Library" (FHL) reference:
Family History Library Record Lookup Service
Good Luck.
I hope this may help, somewhat.
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I will try the Family History Library Records Look Up Services. Thanks