Divorce not showing

The divorce of Richard John Weidert [GZV1-MRV] and Margaret Mary Cavanagh [GC3N-W8H] does not show in the "Family Members" box on the person page. You have to click on the Edit button to see it (the marriage shows on the main page). Knowledge Article "How do I view divorce information in Family Tree?" says that marriage events show in "chronological order". I would have thought that meant it shows the latest event. Not true?
The divorce is chronologically after the marriage.
Steps (website)
- In Family Tree on the FamilySearch.org website, display the person page of one of the spouses.
- If the Details is not shown, click Details.
- Scroll to Family Members.
- Click the pencil icon to the right of the marriage information. The relationship fly-out appears. The divorce, if it is in Family Tree, should be listed there.
If one or both parties remarried after the divorce, the 2nd marriage will display, with the partner, below the first marriage, so chronologically in that sense.
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I guess the KA is saying that the events appear chronologically within the "relationship fly-out". I was hoping that the divorce would show on the person page rather than the marriage. Maybe this is the subject of an "Idea". 😊
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The couple box in the Family Members section only has room to show one relationship event, and it is set to show the chronologically first one. As counterintuitive as it seems, you have to click the "edit" (pencil-stub-and-box) icon to see all of the relationship events, such as a divorce (or the marriage itself, if someone has made the mistake of entering the marriage banns).
The way FS FT handles and displays relationships leaves room for many ideas for improvement. (Such as, entering marriage banns as a relationship event should not turn out to be a mistake! If the display continues to be restricted to showing only one event, why can't that be the chronologically latest one? Or better yet, let the users choose?)
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It may be helpful to submit feedback about this issue. I know it would be nice to show marriage and divorce between the couple on the family section. It may be a possible feature to suggest.
Here is the link on how to give feedback to FamilySearch.
Thank you for your information on this issue.
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Hi Eric,
You could put the divorce information in the "Other Information" section where it is easily visible. Go to the Details page of the individual, scroll down to the Other Information section, click "Add Information" and choose "Custom Event". A fly out appears. Fill in the box, and save it.
There is a chance that other users may not like it in this section, and remove it.
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@Sanra thanks for the suggestion. I have felt that since there is a place for it where you look at relationships, that is the best place for it. The "Other Information" box just doesn't do it for me personally since it has to be entered as a custom event and because it is just in the wrong place on the screen.
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@CHold thanks for suggesting feedback. I added the question to "Ideas". Do the same people look at both? Would it get more attention there?
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A similar issue is that when you display a person's timeline, it shows the marriage event but it does not show the divorce event.
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@ArdenHunt Thank you for pointing that out. I have added a comment to "Suggest an Idea" discussion titled "Enhance Couple Relationship Events Available"
that I think is related to my question. I hope the engineers will find it useful.