Is it possible to share an album in my source box with another user?

I'm researching for a friend. As I work on her line I am collecting a lot of sources that i put into an album in my Source Box. Is there a way I can share that album of sources with her? Or do I have to sign into her account as a helper? She wants to open the sources, attach them to her people and update the person page; but she doesn't/can't do the research to find the sources herself.
Best Answer
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
The features/functions/facilities of the "Source Box" are very LIMITED.
Short Answer: 'No', as far as I am aware, there is no way, to "Share", a "Folder", in one's "Source Box".
As an aside ...
As you appear to be a User/Patron, who is a Member of the Church; as, you reference acting as you Friend's "Helper" ...
Then ...
'Yes', acting as a "Helper" through either, "Help Others"; and/or, "(Consultant) Planner" would be a way to go.
Furthermore ...
One way to quicken the process, would be, to be signed into Your 'FamilySearch' Account using one "Browser" (eg. 'Google' "Chrome"); and, be signed into your Friend's 'FamilySearch' Account using ANOTHER "Browser" (eg. 'Mozilla' "Firefox"), using the SAME computer.
You can simply do, the aforementioned, on one computer, which would make the process very simple, to "Copy" and "Paste" the "Sources" (eg. URLs), between the respective, 'FamilySearch' Accounts; and, "Browsers".
Just a thought.
I hope this helps.
Thank you for your help. I think you have given me great advice before!
The Source Box serves as a rather oddly limited tool and i don't use it all that often - so I appreciate your confirmation that it won't do what I need it to.
I have a new patron working on her Swedish immigrant ancestor. She has limited computer skills, limited FS/FT experience, and limited Swedish research knowledge.
So being able to share my research links with her while she is still learning the basics would be very helpful.
Late last night I did transfer all my source URL's from my Source Box to hyperlinks on a word doc. I annotated them with what facts she should look for in the source. For tomorrow, when i meet with her, I think I might use your suggestion while we are together and then send her home with my document (via email) so she can continue at home where we leave off or just as a review.
Again, I appreciate your input and suggestions,
Linda B