Family History Library website: Difficult to navigate back to the Library Home page

I was recently looking at something in the Family History Library website
This page has links to various other pages.
However if you click on one of these pages, and perhaps more pages, I cannot see any way of getting back to the original Library Home page. Perhaps I am missing something obvious, but could tell me how you are supposed to navigate your way back to the initial Library Home page, if you want to read further pages only accessible from the Library Home page. The back button sometimes worked, but sometimes didn't.
At the bottom of every page, there is a link to the Site Map. The link to the library home page is under the FamilySearch tab on the Site Map.
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Thanks for advising.
I had hoped there was something more obvious which I was missing.
I must admit there is no other website I use on a regular basis where it it necessary to use the site map to navigate back to the original page. In my view this is a design fault for the Library pages and I wonder why the designers did not set up the pages so they could be easily navigated.
I suggest that the pages be amended to make navigation easier. How many people would think they need to use the site map? Is it necessary for me to post this as an Idea, or can my suggestion be referred on to the relevant department from here.
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I tend to set bookmarks for the FamilySearch pages I use often - such as the Lookup Service or specific location pages. I'm on the site many hours every day and do what I need to make my research life easier.
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In the meantime, another option when clicking to open a different website it to "right" click on the link and open it in a new tab. While not as user friendly, it will allow you to keep your original tab open so that you can return to it.
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@MaureenE123 You might be glad to know, as per the Help Center article below, "FamilySearch engineers are transitioning the Catalog to new hardware and software." Let's hope that when the transition is complete, we will all be delighted.
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Agree @N Tychonievich let's hope we will be all delighted with the new catalog.
I also hope in the meantime the engineers will be able to make the Library webpage easier to navigate for all, especially those who are unfamiliar with the work arounds mentioned above.
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@MaureenE123 If you haven't already, you might want to post this issue with the library page in Ideas. That is the place for requests/suggestions for changes and improvements. The folks who might redesign the page should see it there.
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@N Tychonievich I posted the following in Ideas/General User Interface
Family History Library website: Make it easier to navigate back to the Library Home page dated 14 September 2021