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Discussion List
3Allow volunteer teams to manage frequently-edited person profilesMany contributors are interested in important or controversial historical figures in FamilyTree. Th…
2Research Help section can be powerful tool, or lead to records corruptionI have been part of Family Tree BETA groups which test new features for years - for a very long tim…
1A more effective Campaign Hints dialogI find the Campaign Hints dialog useful. Except! If I get a hint and that hint is already attached …
2Shared With MeFirstly, thank you for working so hard to make improvements to the functionality of FamilySearch. …
1More detailed overview of person for attaching hintsIt would be really nice to be able to see more than the "preferred" spouse on the overvie…
2Include Cemetery Name with Find A Grave informationI find it would be helpful if the Cemetery Name were included when attaching the Find A Grave sourc…
1Edit in Family Tree printable pagesMany members of my family, including my father, my father-in-law, my husband, my brother, and I are…
2Edit option needed for name, birth, and residence when attaching Source Record on computer versionThere is an edit option for name and birth on the phone version of FamilySearch when attaching a So…
2Albums In Memories on individuals page instead of just gallery.Having albums on each individuals memory page (instead of just the gallery of the person uploading …
2New idea!!How 'bout we drop the "World tree" idea altogether, and go back to individual family tree…Active Closed Tracey Edwards Karcher 151 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi
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