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Discussion List
6Sorting Private Persons in My ContributionsI would like to see a future enhancement for working with My Contributions in Family Tree which wou…
leaving Family SearchI am so frustrated with non-members going in to change my information. I change it back and add res…
6Please don't break out Temple Reservation list into multiple pagesBecause the temple reservation list is broken into multiple pages we are unable to print cards in v…
6Add capability to filter multiple ID's on the reserved list so three could be printed at once.The present system only allows printing of cards from one page of reservations. Users must use som…
6Label needed for DNA Union - not a marriage or cohabitationBoth of my DNA parents were NPEs themselves. None of these relationships which resulted in a child…
6Printing from Reservations ListAfter completing 20 baptisms each last week, my husband and I came home and had to reprint all the …
6Please add the emails back into the function for asking for help to all members of that community.Please add the emails back into the function for asking for help to all members of that community. …new Closed Kathy Blanchard_1 251 views 3 comments 6 points Most recent by Charlotte Noelle Champenois
6Unanswered questionsIs there any way to organize unanswered questions in their specific groups? When I click on "…
6Default settings on Community Navigation - TOO much clicking required.Wondering what others think of some of the default settings as to how one navigates in Community He…
6RulerCould you please make the ruler so that it can be tilted slightly so that when I am fol…
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