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I am researching Mary Ann Clay, married to Jesse Newton Cook. Residence, Wilson Tennessee. I need toI am researching Mary Ann Clay, married to Jesse Newton Cook. Residence, Wilson Tennessee. I need t…
i would like to know what happen to my granmother. she in the ct 1900 cencus that it. Her spouse remi would like to know what happen to my granmother. she in the ct 1900 cencus that it. Her spouse re…
Im hopeless at this ☹ help pleaseIm hopeless at this ☹ help pleaseI am trying to start the family tree but im not getting any joy , …Answered Closed User15858692115779976098 382 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User15858692115779976098
How to read a land descriptionHow to read a land descriptionI have a description of land in the Ogden Utah area, I know the speci…
Is this the burial of a still born child of Johannes Franck? His wife was buried 20 days later in ApIs this the burial of a still born child of Johannes Franck? His wife was buried 20 days later in A…
I am looking for someone, volunteer or paid, who lives in/near SLC. Someone who can, initially, revI am looking for someone, volunteer or paid, who lives in/near SLC. Someone who can, initially, re…Answered Closed User15853464744011310550 281 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User15853464744011310550
Not really sure where this goes... How do we do research (and ultimately ordinance work) for slavesNot really sure where this goes... How do we do research (and ultimately ordinance work) for slaves…
Is there any chance that records that are normally only accessible from a Family History Center willIs there any chance that records that are normally only accessible from a Family History Center wil…Answered Closed User15855012855754168085 711 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by multiplesons1.5294187457446106E12
What has happened to a lot of the records in the search facility?What has happened to a lot of the records in the search facility?I can't seem to find records of pe…Answered Closed Marion Downes 491 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by multiplesons1.5294187457446106E12
Is there any connection between the Heron and Graham fmilies? My great-grandfather, Henry Graham, naIs there any connection between the Heron and Graham fmilies? My great-grandfather, Henry Graham, n…
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