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What instructional resources are available for Get Involved volunteer activities?Much of the help is built into the Get Involved experience. Many of the changes and features were a…Answered ✓ Announcement Closed ctr sweetie 4.5K views 62 comments 2 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes
How do I Participate in Get Involved?On the computer: Go to or in the FamilySearch menu bar, c…
Full Name Review: Signatures and Priest namesShould I review the names in signatures, even if the signatory name was already reviewed? If not, …
The Afrikaans Language is not a volunteer translation option. Please addGood day FamilySearch Team. I'd like to volunteer with the site translation into the Afrikaans lang…Answered Christiaan Mattheusvan der Westhuizen 24 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Richard E Mason
About Genealogy software and AITogether with ChatGPT I’ve been brainstorming about the possible role of AI in Genealogy software. …
Function of a box in Verify Places screen?When in the Verify Places screen, what is the function of box below " Standard Places ?" …
In quick name review, is there any way to go back, and input an area and name the computer missed?If you look above what's highlighted, a "James A McCan, Register of Deeds" was completely…
Quick Name reviews. Do I consider a title a person or not a person? ex: Dr.Quick Name reviews. Do I consider a title a person or not a person? ex: Dr.
Why does Get Involved require a sign in now?Soo very disappointed! The app Get Involved suddenly requires a sign in. The best thing about tha…
Are attorneys, notaries, etc., considered Not a Person?While doing Quick Name Review, sometimes names of people unrelated to the family are highlighted: …
Family Review glitchesI'm running into difficulties with entering Spanish names that include diacritical markings. This i…
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