Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
I have inadvertently added some incorrect sources to my tree. How do I delete them?I have inadvertently added some incorrect sources to my tree. How do I delete them?
How do I get the cemetery that my parents are buried in to be accepted as a standardized place in thHow do I get the cemetery that my parents are buried in to be accepted as a standardized place in t…Answered ✓ Closed User15842200983634933453 572 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett
Hijacked ancestor records due to bad mergingHijacked ancestor records due to bad mergingI have a problem with one of my records being 'hijacked…Answered ✓ Closed User15841161652973809659 581 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User15841161652973809659
What happens when a living person is in multiple family trees of extended family members and then thWhat happens when a living person is in multiple family trees of extended family members and then t…
Where can I go for information on Family Search update errors and or reports of problems occurring wWhere can I go for information on Family Search update errors and or reports of problems occurring …
how to burn tree to diskhow to burn tree to diskAnswered ✓ Closed WORLOCK671.5540196426433828E12 181 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey
When going through ancestors &i check my relationship at times going from one great grandparent to aWhen going through ancestors &i check my relationship at times going from one great grandparent…
copy family tree into treecopy family tree into treeAnswered ✓ Closed LegacyUser 281 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by multiplesons1.5294187457446106E12
Ancestry Source to FamilySearchAncestry Source to FamilySearchWhen adding a source from Ancestry to a person in FamilySearch, fiel…
Re-order children by birthRe-order children by birthHow can I put my living children in birth order on my page?
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