How to source or document parentage conclusions that derive from DNA test results?
I have a practical question about FamilySearch Family Tree that has come up a few times since I began working with DNA data in my research. I have, for example, a second great grandfather James Catterall Fearns GZG6-ZB2, who was born out of wedlock. There was an oral family story that James' biological father was named "Sam Foy." Over time I realized that I have many living DNA matches who descend from James Catterall Fearns, and at least seven more who share DNA with this group and descend from this Samuel Foy M4F4-LX3 or his paternal line. It appears to be almost certain that James' father is Samuel Foy, one of his brothers, or his father. Given the existence oral story I added Samuel Foy as James' father.
I believe that this is a highly probable connection, in fact a much better conclusion than most of my conclusions from this generation that are derived from traditional document sources. But as this is a conclusion derived from match data concerning living people is doesn't seem possible to document it on the shared family tree. And so, reasonably, a smart genealogist saw this connection and removed it on the basis that it wasn't supported by sources. I reached out to the person, we discussed, I restored it, but I expect this will occur again. In fact, James' mother was also born out of wedlock and the identity of her father was also determined from DNA data and not historical records.
Are you actively working on this issue?
Is there a working group or discussion forum that discusses/proposes future developments in the family tree?
A fan,
Peter Booth
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ I apologise for my belated response ... ]
Please be advised, if you were not already aware, that 'FamilySearch' DOES NOT "... provide specific features to post or link DNA groups based on DNA matches".
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch'
Using DNA in family history research
Where is states, among other things:
DNA testing does not replace traditional forms of family history research. Rather, it can complement a well-documented family tree.
Please note that FamilySearch does not endorse or recommend any commercial DNA applications for genetic genealogy. Nor does our Family Tree provide specific features to post or link DNA groups based on DNA matches.
As am aside ...
Such is NOT to say that, 'FamilySearch' will NOT "... provide specific features to post or link DNA groups based on DNA matches ...", in the future.
We can ONLY hope.
Now ...
That Said ...
Furthermore ...
Again, please be advised, if you were not already aware, that there are 'Groups', in this the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, specific to DNA.
Here are the direct links to some of these specific 'Groups':
"Groups" Section
[ 1 ]
Home > Groups > Genetic Genealogy Research
Genetic Genealogy Research
Description: Research questions and sharing of best practices related to genetic genealogy
[ 2 ]
Home > Groups > Genealogy and the Y Chromosome
Genealogy and the Y Chromosome
Y-DNA has become one of the most important items in the genealogist's toolkit. Unlike the other DNA types, it's prefect for surname studies. It's true that only men can test, but women can test male relatives. Join and learn the methodology.
I am so very sorry, that I cannot be of any real help/assistance.
Good Luck.
I hope this may help, somewhat.