Parentage of James Woodrough TERRY and spouse Mary Hannah FRANKLIN?
Looking for information re ancestry of:
James Woodrough TERRY, b 20 Apr 1790, CT or NY (Long Island), m. Mary Hannah FRANKLIN, Middletown, CT Apr 1817, in Middletown census 1820 & 1830, moved to Hartford, CT and in Hartford census 1840 & 1850, d. 20 Aug 1858, Hartford, CT and br. Zion Hill Cemetery, Hartford.
Mary Hannah FRANKLIN, b. 20 Dec 1797, Middletown, CT, d. 21 Oct 1881, Hartford, CT and br. Zion Hill Cemetery, Hartford.
Robert; Can you give us the FamilySearch record ID for James and Mary? It would help us help you in our search.
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No one has ever asked me that before, but I did find the following on a FamilySearch published chart:
LZ8P-68B / James Woodrough TERRY
Please advise if that is not what you need.
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Robert; Thank you for that information. It will speed up our efforts to help you. Anyone have an answer for Robert?
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Robert; If you go to James' and Mary's FamilySearch records you will see some sources listed under Research Help in the upper right. These should help in your search. Please enter the valid sources in their records to aid others who may have interest in this couple. Hope this helps.