I'm trying to figure out where my great-great-great grandfather was born. His name was Rogerio Jose
Try looking for the birth/baptism and marriage records of his children in Brazil. They may indicate where he was born. Also since you have the place where his parents were married, you can also look for his birth in that place using tombo.pt Please see your other post in Portuguese for the link to these resources.
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My sister has been trying to find his birth, marriage, and death certificate everywhere in Brazil but has been unsuccessful. I forwarded tombo.pt to her the other day. She's working around the clock. I'm sure she'll find it one of these days. Thanks!
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Looks like all his kids born and get married in Paraná, Brazil.
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Yes, he had 20 kids! My sister told me that none of their records have Rogerio's information. But she's looking at other sources. Thanks!
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Hey Debbie, do you know if there's a genealogist at FamilySearch who does this for a living? I'm willing to pay someone to help me find my ancestors in Portugal. Thanks!
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FamilySearch does not do research for hire. When our guests ask about hiring a professional genealogist, we recommend these two sites. icapgen.org and bcgcertification.org. These two sites are organizations who certify genealogists and they must sign an ethics agreement as part of their membership. I hope this helps.
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Yes it does. Thanks!
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Debbie, do you know if they work with the genealogy we already have on Familysearch? Thanks!
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All the genealogists I know will work with whatever you've got wherever it might be. They may want to document what you have if it is not well-documented or well-sourced.
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Ok. I'll give them a call tomorrow. Thank you so much for your time!
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Pesquise o registo de batismo de se ancestral no livro de registos de batismo abaixo indicado de Valpaços, Vila Real
Número do Filme: 004542635 a partir da página 1140 (anos 1855-58)
Desejamos boas experiências de descoberta.
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Ana, vou olhar agora. Muitissimo obrigado!
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Oi Ana, eu passei esta informação à minha irmã que está trabalhando com a nossa genealogia e ela me disse que não conseguiu encontrar o registro que você falou. Ela perguntou se você pode mandar um print da tela para ela. O e-mail dela é ribeiroedna4@gmail.com
O nome da minha irmã e Edna Ribeiro. Muito obrigado!
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Para pesquisar o registo de batismo da pessoa referida com ID KHSD-N31, deve pesquisar o registo de casamento de seus pais. Estes devem ter casado antes de 1858, eu mostrei o livro onde podem encontrar esse registo de casamento a partir da página referida. Se não encontrarem o registo de casamento nesse livro é porque casaram noutra freguesia ou noutra paróquia. Têm de pesquisar em todas as paróquias de preferência começar pelas mais perto e depois as mais distantes. Segue o link da página dos registos online de Valpaços, Vila Real.
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Eu passei estas informações para a minha irmã que está fazendo a nossa genealogia. Muito obrigado!