Can parents or sibling be a grantor to do the ordinance SS when their child is still alive?
Can parents or sibling be a grantor to do the ordinance SS when their child is still alive?
Can the second wife (married after the first died) be a grantor for the ordinance SS her husband with the first wife, even the child of the first is still alive?
@Anupong Anupong
You should pose such questions with/through your local line of Priesthood authority (ie. Your local Priesthood Leadership).
As you are referring to "Temple" Work; where, some Family members are still "Living"; and, some are "Deceased", can I suggest that you discuss such, 'in person' (or, over the, Telephone; or, INTERNET), with a member of your local Bishopric/Branch Presidency; and/or, if necessary, your local Stake/District Presidency.
And ...
That said ...
IF, your local Bishopric/Branch Presidency; and/or, if necessary, your local Stake/District Presidency, CANNOT provide the answers to such questions; THEN, can I suggest that, with their permission, that you discuss such, 'in person' (or, over the, Telephone; or, INTERNET), with a member of your local (ie. closest) "Temple" Presidency, they certainly WILL be able to provide you with the answers to such questions.
I hope this helps.
ps: Better that you get the correct answers to your questions from the Priesthood Leaders (or, "Temple" Presidency), rather than the wrong or only partly correct answers from those who participate in this Forum.
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Thank you for your suggestion. I think that answers should be known for all members. Can we found that answers from the Help Center of FamilySearch website?
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@Anupong Anupong
The answers WILL be advised to Members of the Church who have such questions, due to their particular personal circumstances; but, such should be through the 'proper channels', being through one's Priesthood line of authority.
We have ALWAYS been advised to speak our local Priesthood Leaders when in comes to "Temple" Work ("Ordinances") involving the "Living" ...
I would suggest that such would more likely be found in the "Temple" Handbook, only available to "Temple" Presidencies; and, possibly, somewhere in the "General Handbook"; but, the latter would take some investigation; and, due to the 'Nature' of such, would (ie. may only) be available to access/view to/by Priesthood Leaders.
Hence, my previous suggestion ...
You cannot go wrong there ...
As to the "Help" Centre", you never know ...
Maybe; but, such would not be easy to find in the "Help" Centre ...
There are these "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
Policy for sealing living members after a spouse or fiance dies
Sealings to deceased family members
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I don't found the Church policy in the Knowledge Articles that related to those questions. Thanks.
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The 2nd wife has no blood relation to the 1st wife and would not be the person to ask about ordinances. If the 1st wife has a spouse, children or siblings or parents they would be the relatives to do the temple work or ask permission from. Any ordinance for the 1st wife and her husband should be approved by their children at the very least and it would have an impact on the child's opportunity to also be sealed to their parents.
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Thank you so much, Cindy. Can I ask more one qustion, Can the 2nd wife be a grantor to perform the ordinances that related for her husband?
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If she is an undivorced spouse then yes she could grant permission for her deceased husband's temple work. It is allowed but I would also add that she should consider any children. Is there a son who might want to be the proxy now or in the future, she should not take that opportunity away from the child. She is female and cannot do a male ordinance herself. I myself would not want to take the opportunity away or step on the toes of the child of the father/husband. I obviously dont know all the family story but consider the feelings of all parties involved. The child has as much right to do the work as the spouse and so both parties should talk and work it out is my advice.
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I believe that children should be grateful to the people who perform the temple ordinances for their parents. The blessings of performing the ordinances will also affect them. This would be the same reason if the father's siblings be a grantor. The issue will not occure if the family are one.