Artifact Genealogy?!
Hosted by the Daughters of the American Revolution Library
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
10:00am-11:00am EDT
NSDAR Headquarters
1776 D Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
Artifact genealogy studies items of material culture that contain genealogical information. Join us for this fascinating discussion!
Artifact genealogy is a branch of genealogy that researches items of material culture that contain genealogical information, in order to learn more about the history of the family associated with it. Join us to hear of this wonderful collaborative project between the DAR Library and Museum, as we explore some items from the DAR collections. (You may never look at carved powder horns the same way again!)
Amber, this sounds like an incredible webinar. I signed up!
Artifact Genealogy?
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Artifact genealogy is a branch of genealogy that researches items of material culture that contain genealogical information, in order to learn more about the history of the family associated with it. Join us to hear of this wonderful collaborative project between the DAR Library and Museum, as we explore some items from the DAR collections.
I bet many of us have Ancestor Treasures in museums or other places that would mean so much to us. (On a side note, I love reading stories of items that people find and return to their rightful owner. I always hope that someone will be trying to find someone that descends from my ancestors. I hope that I leave them a good trail to be able to find me!)