A Grinding Halt
I have bits and pieces about a certain relative, a grandaunt named Alice Bell (LRMG-SQW) who is the sister off my grandmother Elsie Bell (LRMG-9J3). I've done pretty well researching this side of the family but Alice is proving to be somewhat difficult.
What I know (or think I know)………………… Alice was born on 15th March 1907 in Wheelock, Sandbach, Cheshire, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann Bell (nee Clutton). Unfortunately, Mary Ann died in 1909 in Manchester and the girls went to live with the grandmother Sarah Jane Clutton (nee Minshull) and later with an aunt of the same name, Sarah Jane Clutton (L2YG-7K5).
The girls next appear on the 1911 census, still living in Wheelock with their aunt, at some point after this date and before 1915, they move to Manchester (address unknown) with their father and live with him there, and his new partner, Elizabeth Bowler. We know this because Joseph attested for military service in Manchester in this year, later serving in the Manchester Regiment and the Machine Gun Corps in the conflict, the girls are listed on his attestation papers and so is Elizabeth. They next appear on the 1921 census living in Salford (address unknown) living with Joseph and Elizabeth, now married.
I next have Elsie in 1930, marrying my grandfather, Thomas James Davis (GLWF-KBS) from what I presume is her home, 110 Taylorson Street, Salford, also listed are Joseph and Elizabeth, but no sign of Alice. I've been in touch with Salford Council to check the Electoral lists but she's not on the 1930 list due to the fact she is under 21, but looking further she doesn't appear on later lists either, I can only conclude she moved out, for whatever reason.
So, Alice seems to have "disappeared" ………………….well, I cant find her but that's probably because I don't know where to look, however, if we fast forward to the early 1960's I remember visiting an "Auntie Alice" with my grandmother, living in Wheelock. I don't remember her living with anyone but that could just be my memory.
So, its a mystery I would like to solve, any help would be gratefully appreciated.
I see you have added a custom event of a marriage in 1926 without adding a spouse or attaching the source. If I have found the correct record, this is to Arthur Bailey. Do you know that this is correct? Have you obtained the marriage certificate to check the details, especially the father's name and occupation?
If you have found her on the 1911 census, it will be worth adding that as a source. Also worth adding the baptism under the christening section, preferably with a full location and source.
Have you tried the 1939 register? I plugged in the first name Alice with the birth date 15 May 1907 and got a lot of hits although none with the surname Bell or Bailey. Of course the birth date may not have been recorded correctly in that record.
Also worth looking for a death with the precise birth date if you have not already tried it.
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I too found the potential spouse to be Arthur Bailey so I added him to Alice's record, hoping Family Search would fill in some details as it usually does, in this case the custom event of the wedding. Subsequently I couldn't find any supporting evidence of this marriage and decided to remove it but forgot to remove the custom event.
Given the fact you and I think Arthur Bailey could be the guy, I'll add him again and get the marriage certificate, I'll also add the 1911 census and update the baptism record although like you, I'm aware the DOB of Alice maybe wrong as I too cant find her under either name on the 1939 register, I'll order up the birth record to confirm the actual date, its a start that may produce results with a date of death.
Thanks for your help, I'll keep you posted.
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I do not necessarily believe that Arthur Bailey was her spouse but clearly it is a possibility. The marriage certificate should tell you with reasonable certainty, i.e. different father's name then wrong, correct father's name and age should be right but not 100% certain!