Requesting Assistance with a Surname/Translation
Could someone assist me with information on the mother of the bride in the marriage record of Maria Magdalena Pokorniho? It is the first record on the page.
It looks as though her name is Františka, but I cannot decipher anything else.
Thank you and have a good day.
I would say "N" (unknown) is used there, complemented with "s Prahi dcera" (daughter of someone from Prague). Indeed not very helpful. Good luck :-)
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Marriage: 16 Janner 1797, House 122, Groom: Winczens (form of Vincent) Sstross ? ? Graanatn(ik)=Grenadier, Wrtacz? Ondrzege Sstrosse zemrzeteho? Kowarze by Switli and his wife Katerziny Kost_leozsky from Zebrakowskeho M_egna, Katholic, age 30, single, Bride: Maria Magdaleny daughter of Jana Pokorniho (Pokorny?) Occupation? zemrzeleho? Sfewoze? from Switli and Frantissky born unknown from Prahi=Prague Daughter, Katholic, age 20, single.
Lfdnr 15120
Ortsname Aktuell Zebrakov
Ortsname Früher Zebrakow
Ortsname Deutsch
Ortsname Ungarisch
Ortsname Slowakisch
Ortsname Ukrainisch
Kronland Böhmen
Pfarren in Tschechien (Geolocation)
Bezirk Ledec nad Sazavou
Name Matrikenbeginn zuständiges Archiv
Zuständige Pfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
Svetla nad Sazavou 1659/1659/1659 Samrsk