Transcription Request - 1822 Marriage Record - Sülfeld
I am having trouble transcribing the two lines below the names of the couple for the #5 marriage record (Finnern). I suspect it references measles or pox. Bitte helfen Sie.
der Bräutigan [hat?] [ _ utz?] [Blatter__rber?]
die Braut hat [Pork__sheir?] zur [Cirtiren?] [g_?]
Beste Antwort
deutliche Blatternnarben means that he had "clearly visible pox scars", so he had suffered from smallpox and was immune.
The bride was already vaccinated and had got a certificate which she had produced at confirmation. Smallpox vaccination started 1811 in Holstein and was obligatory.
der Bräutigam hat deutl[iche] Blatternnarben
die Braut hat Pockenschein zur Confirm[ation] geliefert
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@Ulrich Neitzel , Thanks!
Do these translate to...
"The groom was clear of [smallpox] pockmarks."
"The bride had delivered a smallpox certificate for confirmation."
If so, can I interpret correctly that the groom had not received a smallpox vaccination, but rather the fact he was "clear of pockmarks" was sufficient evidence he was not currently afflicted?
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Thank you @Ulrich Neitzel for clarifying my translation.