Translation of burial record for Katharina Albrecht which has a odd construction
I believe this image is of the 1814 burial record of Katharina Albrecht, wife of Franz Durst, in Wyhlen. It seems to begin with the name Katharina Durst, then another word before Albrecht. I am used to seeing a woman referred to by her maiden name not her husband's surname. I do not have the skill to decifer any more of the record, so a translation would be much appreciated.
I do notice the name Ruhberg in the text on the second line. Ruhrberg shows up in some of the locations in the next generations: their oldest son, baptized in Zell in Wiesental was married and buried in Wyhlen. His two eldest children were baptized in Ruhrberg, while the others were baptized in Lorrach. Two of his grandchildren were also born in Ruhrberg
I am also curious why she is buried in Wyhlen. I do not know where she was born/baptised or where she and Franz were married, but their 4 oldest children were baptized in Zell in Wiesental (1779-1784), the next 6 in Wyhlen (1786-1796) and the last 2 baptized in Inzlingen (1799-1802). Her husband died much later than her in 1842 and is buried in Inzlingen. It seems like she, her husband and childred were living in Inzlingen at the time of her death, so it seems she should have been buried in Inzlingen, not Wyhlen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The record is on film Film 922037, certificate 81. The underlined name is Katharina Durst. Attached is a copy of the record I found at the local family search center.
I've also included a copy with the entries above and below hers for comparison.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help with this.
Beste Antwort
Katharina Durst gebohrene Altbrecht - Ehefrau des Rührberger Bauern Franz Durst - alt sechzig und sieben Jahre - starb zu Rührberg am fünfundzwanzigsten April frühe um zwey Uhr und ward dahier begraben am sechsundzwanzigsten April frühe um neun Uhr im Jahr eintausend achtzehnhundert und vierzehn. Zeugen: die Rührburger Bauern Dionis(?) Rümelein und Xavier Bölter(?).
T: Franz Joseaph Maria __? Pfarrer als Beamter des bürgerlichen Standes in Wyhlen
Katharina Durst née Altbrecht - wife of the Rührberg farmer Franz Durst - aged sixty-seven years - died at Rührberg on April 25th early at 2:00 a.m. and was buried here on April 26th early at 9:00 a.m. in the year 1814. Witnesses: the Rührberg farmers Dionis(?) Rümelein and Xavier Bölter(?).
T: Franz Joseaph Maria __? Pastor as a civil registrar in Wyhlen
Thank you so much. I imagined that was the construction used for her name, but I had not seen it used before. I so appreciate the full translation. Thank you very much.