Hello, I need to find a record of my grandmother’s birth - she was born on October 15, 1927 in Beiji
Hello, I need to find a record of my grandmother’s birth - she was born on October 15, 1927 in Beijing (I don’t know the exact place). Her name was Lily van Nan. There is no information about her parents - she never knew her father, her mother died in Harbin when Lily was 5 years old. Then Lily came to the USSR to the international orphanage.
Tell me, please, where can I write requests for a birth record? To a specific archive or to all registry offices in Beijing (there are probably a lot of them)? Thanks so much for your time and help!
There really isn't a birth record for birth in China unless the parents took the child to the local police station to report, especially in 1927. You will need to know her name in Chinese character and also any male siblings because usually they don't record daughters in the genealogy book.