Translation request for backside of army picture from George Mertlich
Hi there! I would appreciate help translating the back of this picture. It is a group of German soldiers, including my great Uncle George Mertlich, during WWI. He was from Hamburg. The picture had been glued in an album so it may be a bit difficult to read with glue and paper residue. Any help you can give would be appreciated. Thank you! Shawna
Hello @ShawnaMertlichAnderson
This is what I read:
Mittagspause bei der Arbeit in der Gegend von L[éo]n? (Frankreich) im Winter. (ich bin nicht mit drauf) Wilhelm
Lunch break at work in the area of L[éo]n? (France) in winter. (me not being on the picture)
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Thank you very much DeTe1955! I realize now this is not a picture from George but from his brother Wilhelm. Thanks again!
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