Please translate the attached marriage record for Heese/Borau
[left-hand side of the page]
Column 1 - Nummer = 226
Number = 226 [sequential number in the volume]
Column 2 - Jahr und Tag der Trauung = November 26 sech und zwanzigsten
Year and day of the marriage = November 26 twenty sixth
Colum 3 - Name des Geistlichen, welcher die Trauung verrichtet = Taube
Name of the minister who performed the marriage = Taube
Column 4 - Vor-, Zu- und Geschlechtsname der Getrauten, Aufenthaltsort, Stand und Gewerbe, auch ob die Trauung in der Kirche ofer zu Hause vollzogen wurde
First and last names of the betrothed, residence, status and occupation, and whether the marriage took place in the church or at home
der Jungges. Maurergeselle Friedrich Wilhelm Heese zu [town name, can't read] und der unverehelichten Henriette Louise Borau daselbt
the bachelor journeyman mason Friedrich Wilhelm Heese of [town name, can't read] and the unmarried Henriette Louise Borau from here
Column 5 - Ob sie schon verheirathet gewesen sind, imgleichen ob sie noch under Eltern oder Vormünder stehen
Have they ever been married, likewise whether they are still under parents or guardians
[right-hand side of the page]
Column 6 - Alter / Des Bräutigams / Jahr / Monat / Der Braut / Jahr / Monat
Age / of the groom / years / months / of the bride / years / months
26 9 32 3
Column 7 - Religion / Des Bräutigams / Der Braut
Religion / of the groom / of the bride
Column 8 - Einwilligung der Eltern und Vormünder
Permission of the parents and guardians
beide selbstständig
both independent
Column 9 - Anmerkung
Comments = [blank]
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Hello Bill,
Number: 226.
Year and day of wedding: 26 November [1871].
Name of cleric who conducted the wedding ceremony: ditto (same as above) = "CR. Taube" "5/11.4."
Those married: the bachelor [and] journeyman mason Friedrich Wilhelm Heese at Neu Schwederowo with the unmarried Henriette Louise Dorau [from] here.
Previously married: [both] unmarried.
Age of groom: 26 years, 9 months.
Age of bride: 32 years, 3 months.
Religion of the groom: ditto (same as above) = Protestant.
Religion of the bride: ditto (same as above) = Protestant.
Consent of the parents and guardians: both independent [both the groom and the bride are of full age and don't need parental consent to marry].
Remarks: [blank].
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Thanks very much to both of you for your help.
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You're welcome, Bill.