Help with a marriage record record?
I have been working on translating this marriage record and would like some help filling in the blanks if possible. I have attached the image of the original document, and a jpg with what I have been able to figure out on my own. The light blue areas are where I can't make it out.
Thanks for taking the time to see if you can help!
I can only help a little.
General comments: Schulz is spelled without a "t" in this record. The occupation Gürtner (belt maker) appears in this record for both Shulz's. It looks like you may have interpreted it to be gebohren.
#1 word is ledig (single)
#2 ?? I'm stumped.
#3 Schneider (tailor) in Anclam + (Note, this village is actually Anklam; the + means he is deceased)
While trying to decipher Anklam I found a couple applicable records. First is the birth in 1848 of a child to this couple (entry 175):
Second is the death record for Peter Jakob Brehmer in 1834:
#4 contains some reference to Neuenkirchen by Neubrandenburg. This Neuenkirchen and Ihlenfeld are about 4 to 7 km northeast of Neubrandenburg.
Unfortunately the rest of this record is beyond my capabilities.
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Looking at #2. This should be the location of her residence. It looks like "mit Torneÿ".
Since this record is in Stettin and all the other locations mentioned are out of the area I assume that her location is in the Stettin area. Looking at Stettin on Meyers Gazetteer, there is an Alttorney and a Neutorney on the west side of Stettin (Old Torney and New Torney). This is just speculation but perhaps Mit Torneÿ is a shortened version of Mittle Torneÿ and perhaps this is the area between Neutorney and Alttorney?
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Good work! Here are my additions:
Groom: Johann Carl Friedrich Schulz, ein Gärtner (gardener) zu Beseritz in Meklenburg Strelitz
Father: Johann Friedrich Schulz, Gärtner in Ihlenfeld
#2: I believe Torney is correct; the word before is unclear to me
#3: I agree with @JohnsonGreg
#4: Präsentationsschein von dem Herrn Pastor Bohm zu Neuenkirchen bei Neu-Brandenburg in Mekl Strelitz vom 8 Febr = [some sort of] certificate from pastor Bohm in Neuenkirchen near Neu-Brandenburg in Mecklenburg-Strelitz of 8 February
#5 and partly #6: (continues:) worüber das Protokoll aufzunehmen __? NB: Das testim: integrit: den Hrn Pastor Bohm zu besorgen. Gebühr und Postvorschuß einzuziehen. = about which the minutes are to be taken. Note: To obtain the "testim: integrit:"(?) of pastor Bohm. To collect fee and advance postage.
#6: Copulation in Beseritz = marriage in Beseritz
My comment: This seems to be not the proper marriage record but a note in the home parish of the bride of the marriage which happened in Beseritz, the place of residence of the groom.
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Thank you both for such a wealth of new information! I can't thank you enough.☺️