✨Wiki Wednesday✨ - Historical Occupations in England
Have you ever seen one of your ancestors on a census and wondered what on earth their occupation meant? I had one ancestor that was a boiler holder-upper 😀. I didn't have a clue but was able to discover that it was the job of holding up a tool against the rivet for the rivetter.
Having an understanding of the occupation can help determine which family is yours when there are a few to choose from. Also as an occupation changes over years, it is likely to still be within the same area of employment so can provide valuable help determining if a particular person is one of your ancestors or not.
Here is a link of valuable resources to help find out more.
A little disappointed in this. Some of the links from the Wiki page proved quite useful, but others concentrated more on processes than the occupations themselves. Of course there are alternative ways, through Google and other search engines, of finding more about a specific occupation.
I have come across "Running Fitter" for the occupation of an ancestor (and others) and see there is no reference / link to that in the Wiki article. Even "Yeoman" isn't directly mentioned!
No matter any "shortcomings", this does offer a good starting point for anyone interested in the subject, so thank you for referencing it.