Germans in Russia Colonies Add to Places
Please help us get the Germans in Russia Colonies added to the place choices on the family search system. We feel that our Germans in Russia history is very important to us and we do not want to lose that history. We were not Russians, but Germans who went to Russia during the land development. Data choices currently give the Russian names.
I was contacted by a gentleman who is a relative who believes that because that was 100 years ago we should go with the Russian names. I believe if a Germans in Russia descendant wants to reflect their true history of this group, we need to be able to have it entered as a choice. Entries are being changed over to the Russian names by newer researchers.
I know you have the Germans in Russia records because I visited the library in Salt Lake and worked on it. We also were keepers of the old census records for these villages and helped get that data on family search in the earlier year before the St. Petersburg records were available.
Please pass this on to someone that can help us with this problem.
Sincerely, Connie
Yes I am having the same problem. I have been working on German colonies in Russia for over ten years, and the ones I research were on there up until the last year or so. As a result, now some of the people I have reserved have come up as not available to work on because the places were taken off, and no longer are standardized. It seems silly to me that they are being removed when before they were valid (and believe me, are still valid as I have numerous sources, censuses, etc. of the very places being taken off. Hopefully this can be fixed soon. Thank you!
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The FamilySearch Authorities team is putting together a team to address this. Please understand, this may take some time.